Thursday, July 19, 2007


My sense is that my blog has been found, watched, and forwarded. Which is fine. I guess i will live with the potential judgement.

This blog while public - it isn't exactly accessible unless you specifically know how to get here. I've done nothing to introduce anyone to this space. I'm not trying to make a public statement on me, my life etc. I decided to experiement with writing and have a place to collect my general thoughts. That said, i have nothing to hide. my thoughts are my thoughts.

If you're reading and you know who you are, go ahead and send me an email. Clearly you would know how to reach me. I'll add you to the contributors to add comments. It can be a dialog.

1 comment:

Hazel Nootsmaak said...

You've just learned the first rule of Blog Club (which you're allowed to talk about): 80% are lurkers and 20% actually post or contribute.

I had the same experience, though I did post a link on my website, albeit somewhat buried.

Still feels weird, but it's also kinda cool. If people are reading it, it must be interesting, right? Right.
Keep it comin'!